Richard Law 1828 - 1912
We don't really know where Richard was born. In 1851 he was based at Dover Heights barracks in Heigham, Kent and the census overview lists his birthplace as Ballaby, Londonderry, Ireland, but the real document says Bellaghy. A tad worried here as he is supposed to be in the Navy. But Dover is a Navy place right? In 1861 he listed Ireland only and in 1871 he would not say where he had been born. But in 1881 he states that it was Castlebar in Co Mayo. In 1891 he refuses to name the birthplace of any of his family members!! 1901 is illeguble and the last one - 1911 is clearly Castlebar.
Wherever he was born, it was about 1828. We have no other details from this time. Castlebar was under a really awful English landowner, and many people left the area to seek their fortunes abroad … or died.
We know that he joined the Royal Navy and was at HMS Ganges near Harwich in Essex. At home, he had trained to be a carpenter and he was listed as the ship's carpenter on board the HMS Rodney. He was awarded the Crimea medal. And he was back in civilian life by 1861.

Above: the battle of Sebastopol. Below: HMS Rodney

The Crimea Medal
The Crimea Medal was a campaign medal approved on 15 December 1854, for issue to officers and men of British units (land and naval) which fought in the Crimean War of 1854–56 against Russia. The medal was awarded with the British version of the Turkish Crimea Medal, but when a consignment of these were lost at sea, some troops were issued with the Sardinian version instead.[2] The Crimea medal was also presented to certain members of allied French forces.[1]
The medal consists of a 36mm silver disk with, on the obverse, the diademed head of Queen Victoria and the legend VICTORIA REGINA with the date 1854 below. The reverse has a depiction of a standing Roman warrior about to receive a laurel crown from a flying figure of victory, the word CRIMEA appearing on the left.The medal is notable for its unusually ornate clasps. Each is in the form of an oak leaf with an acorn at each end, a style not used on any other British medal. The ornate, floriated, swivelling suspender is also unique to the Crimea Medal.[2]The 27 millimetres (1.1 in) wide ribbon[1] is pale blue with yellow edges.
Five clasps were authorised but some of these were for land battles. I believe that Richard got the Sebastopol clasp.
Richard in civilian life
The next we hear of Richard Law is that he has turned up in a sleepy little village far away from battles – Layer Breton in Essex. I expect that he fell in love with the place when he was based at HMS Ganges.
In 1857 he married in Colchester to Frances Holland, daughter of the man who owned the White House pub in Layer Breton - he had 4 step daughters and no son. Frances had previously been married to Thomas Holland. Not known yet what Frances's maiden name was. It may have been Maldon.
By 1851 they were living at 57 Magdalen Street in Colchester. Richard (aged only 32) was working as a grocer and draper, which is a bit bizarre compared to his earlier job. A man of many talents.
Richard and Frances had the following children:
Fanny Law 1859 - 1909 married Alfred Archer Dixon
Frederick W Law 1861 – died 1861
Florence Emily Law 1863 - 1894– married Alfred Diss. He was born in Fordham but from about 180 he lived in West Bergholt. He was a carpenter, then bricklayer and builder and finally master builder for many years living in West Bergholt. He married first to Maria Dils from Monmouthshire in Wales and they had seven children and then he married Florence Law and had a further 6 children! 12 people living in the house in 1881. By 1891 they were living at 21 Stanwell Street, Colchester. 1911 he was a widower and living with Elizabeth Minter at Vine Cottage 47 Butt Road, Colchester. Alfred died 19 May 1920 in Colchester. Executor was Frederick Morris Diss, Gentleman. Fred died in 1923
Alberta Law 1865 – 1903
Richard H Law 1868 - 1900
However we see that Frances Henrietta Law is his wife and aged 33. She was born in Hadleigh. Also in the house is Mary A Law – Richard’s sister (???) First time I have seen a sister). She was working as a grocer’s shopwoman, aged 27, born in Ireland. And here too was Fanny aged 2, born in Colchester. And finally Havelock (W?) a son aged 1 month.
How long did Richard work as a grocer and a draper – he who is a carpenter and a builder???
Richard and Fanny were living at 187 Prince of Wales Road, Norwich in 1911. Richard aged 81 and Frances 82.
Seaview Cottages
A few hundred yards past the pub stands SeaView Cottages. Originally this was a cottage owned by Daniel Rudkin, but it became derelict and Richard bought it and the land (38 rods) for £45. He applied to the Lord of the Manor to knock down the cottage and build a new set. Permission was granted as long as could rebuild them within 5 calendar months. The location of the cottages are "abutting towards the North on land late of Charles Gray Round Esq, deceased, towards the South on Layer Breton Heath, towards the East on the garden of a cottage belonging to Harry Underwood, Brewer and towards the west on the burial mound of the Meeting House." In 1886 he borrowed £100 to build the cottages.
The final deed I consulted brings us much closer to the DIXON/LAW link. It says that on the "19th March 1897, Richard Law of Layer Breton, formerly a licenced victualler, but now out of business. a copyhold tenant of the Manor and Frances his wife came before James William Potter. Gentleman. Steward ... and in consideration of £2-10-00 paid to Richard by Alfred Archer Dixon of the Railway Hotel, Ponders End, Middlesex, licenced victualler sold the cottages to A A Dixon." It was Alfred who actually had the cottages built, and allowed Richard to live in these new cottages.
My dad (Alfred John Dixon, known as Paddy) talked to me of his memories of Sea View back to about 1925 when his family visited the DENNIS family (James Dennis) who were then the occupants. He remembers the stone floor of the kitchen and the water pump quite vividly. When Gertrude (his mum) was in Canada, just after World War 2, she arranged to have the cottage modenised by James Dennis and she designed the kitchen and bathroom herself. One item that she couldn't overcome was the outside toilet which had an Elsan closet and had to be emptied frequently. My memories extend to the fingers of Jack Frost on the windows, the vast and exciting garden with the overgrown graveyard on one side, the coal and coke store and the wonderful feeling of open space outside the house.
Many of our extended family lived in the cottages - my grandmother Gertrude Dixon nee Elkington, my Burns cousins, the Dennis family and I was born there as well.
Crimean Veterans Funeral
Newspaper articles
"The funeral of Mr Richard LAW, whose death was recorded last week took place on Saturday October 26th at Layer Breton Churchyard. As stated he had served in the Navy and was in two engagements, Sebastopol and Alma, being on 'HMS Rodney' at the bombardment of Sebastopol which was the only ship to drop shell over into the forts.
He had in his possession a piece of Russian shell which had been embedded in the mast of the Rodney, and a medal with one bar for Sebastopol and was entitled to another but did not take steps to obtain it. He received a special pension for good conduct. Mr LAW helped to make the coffin for Lord RAGLAN on one Sunday, up on the Heights." Essex County Standard dated Saturday November 2nd 1912
"The funeral of Mr Richard LAW, who served on HMS Rodney during the siege of Sevastopol, took place on Saturday at Layer-de-la-Haye, where he resided formally years. The chief mourners were the deceased's grandson and grand-daughter Mr James and Miss May Dennis; Mr Wilson (nephew); Messrs A. Diss (Colchester); and A. Dixon (London), sons-in-law and Mrs James Dennis.
The deceased who was 84 years of age, retired from the Navy about 40 years ago. He was born in Castlebar (Ireland). He has four children, all of whom pre-deceased him. He was a good businessman and owned property in the Layer district. He was a strong Unionist." Chelmsford Chronicle 1 Nov 1912
I found an article in the Essex County Standard under the title "At Layer Breton by Cyril R. Jeffries".
"I had a chat with Mr W A BURMBY ... he went to work later for Mr Sam DENNIS at Layer Rows Farm ... Mr BURMBY recalled largesse spendings at the 'Hare & Hounds' when Mr Richard LAW was the host. Mr Joseph PALMER took over the establishment in 1911 from his fatber-in-law Mr William MEAD, who succeeded Mr Richard LAW... Whit Monday feasts held in connection with the Hare & Hounds Benefit Club, I heard of these and the discs which bore the name LAW which were used as receipts for payment to the Club and entitled the holder to a free pint of beer." Essex County Standard 9 Jan 1937
Where is Richard?
Richard was buried in Layer Breton churchyard. Sadly all the memorial stones have been taken up and we have no ideas where he is. And even more sadly, although photography was becoming more prevalent, no photos, of this family exist.